One such physically adept geek, Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast Joe Manganiello, will be lending his talents to a little-watched (but really good) Peacock comedy A.P. Bio this fall when the show returns for its fourth season on Sept. 2. Manganiello will play the whimsically named Malachi, who is described as “a big and intimidating personality who unexpectedly steps into Jack’s life, causing Jack great distress and insecurity in his personal relationships.” Check out a trailer for season 4 with Jack and Malachi below. Now, it’s not unlike disgraced Harvard professor-turned A.P. Biology teaching charlatan Jack Griffin (Glenn Howerton) to develop a nemesis. Having nemeses is kind of Jack’s whole thing. Though Jack has evolved and developed over A.P. Bio’s first three seasons (two of which aired on NBC and the third on Peacock), he’s still fundamentally an embarrassed intellectual who can only frame his personal worth by who opposes him. With that in mind, Malachi is sure to be one stellar nemesis. The line “providing Jack great distress and insecurity in his personal relationships” suggests that Jack might not respond too well to the presence of a very handsome man in his Toledo orbit alongside his new girlfriend Lynette (Elizabeth Alderfer). While Joe Manganiello represents a walking relationship test on television, A.P. Bio season 4 won’t be all romantic strife – there’s some room for daddy issues as well. It was previously reported that Evil Dead star Bruce Campbell will be guesting this season as Jack’s long lost father, John. And if that won’t be Jack Griffin’s ultimate nemesis, we don’t know who would be.  A.P. Bio season 4 will premiere all eight of its episodes Thursday, September 2 on Peacock.