This may be the Enterprise we all know and love, but it is not from a time period we know well. Remember, this is still roughly a decade before the events of The Original Series. As we know, both from the Discovery cliffhanger and Star Trek canon, the Enterprise is currently captained by Captain Christopher Pike. Pike was played by Jeffrey Hunter and Sean Kenney in The Original Series, and Bruce Greenwood in the Star Trek reboot films.  As we know from The Original Series‘ original pilot “The Cage,” Spock is a science officer on the Enterprise at this time, serving under Pike. Presumably, this is why Sarek and Michael share a look when they identify that the ship in distress is the Enterprise—they know that Spock, their son/brother is on it. Does this mean Spock will appear in Discovery Season 2? It seems unavoidable. Discovery would have to go well out of its way to have the Discovery and Enterprise interact and not either see Spock or have Michael or Sarek inquire after him. Another cool connection between “The Cage” and Discovery? The Number One character, played by Majel Roddenberry, partially inspired the character of Michael Burnham. It would be very cool to see these two interact. Narratively, this is an interesting place for the show to end its first season at. Has this been their plan from the beginning? Is this moment the reason why Discovery wanted to be a prequel series? The answers to these questions will clarify not only just how invested Discovery is at making connections to Star Trek canon (seemingly, for better or worse, very), but how long the show will invest in resolving this cliffhanger in Season 2. Is this a cool reference that will be quickly resolved in the opening minutes of next season or is it a major hint at where the Season 2 story will be going? What do the Discovery producers have to say about all of this? Talking to Variety, Alex Kurtzman Speaking to THR about the possibility of seeing Spock in Season 2, showrunner Aaron Harberts said: “We certainly aren’t confirming that we’re even going to introduce Spock and we certainly are not casting that role, either. We live a lot in memory and flashback. The center of our show is always Michael Burnham.” Harberts and co-showrunner Gretchen J. Berg also, however, did not rule out the idea of bringing Spock onto the show in some way.